Ash Manor Blog

GCSE Citizenship Students Explore Democracy in Action

On Monday, 13th January, our Year 10 and 11 GCSE Citizenship Studies students embarked on an unforgettable trip to the heart of UK democracy—the Houses of Parliament. The visit offered a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of the democratic processes and the rich history that shapes our nation.

During their tour, students were captivated by the grandeur of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Guided by knowledgeable staff, they learned about the evolution of democracy in the UK, from its earliest days to the modern parliamentary system. The experience was not only educational but also inspiring, as students witnessed first-hand the spaces where key decisions affecting the country are debated and made.

Of course, no trip to Parliament is complete without a stop at the gift shop, where the students eagerly picked up souvenirs to remember their day. The visit was truly eye-opening, offering a tangible reminder that they, too, play a role in the democratic process as citizens of the UK.

This incredible experience was made possible with the assistance of our local MP Jeremy Hunt, to whom we extend our gratitude.

But the learning didn’t stop there! On Tuesday, 21st January, the students were privileged to hear from Sir Graham Wrigley, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Surrey. Sir Graham delivered an engaging talk on his journey of active citizenship and the positive impact it has had on shaping the world. His inspiring stories of service and contribution to the community reinforced the importance of being proactive and involved citizens. He also explained the role of the Lord Lieutenancy and its importance in the community. The students were impeccably behaved, listening intently and posing thoughtful questions that demonstrated their growing understanding of citizenship and democracy. 

Special thanks go to Major Johnson, our Citizenship teacher and to Head teacher Ms Bailey, whose hard work and persistence ensured these enriching opportunities came to life. These experiences have not only enhanced the students' academic learning but also empowered them to see their place within the democratic system, inspiring them to actively engage in shaping the future of their communities.

Well done to all involved—you’ve made Ash Manor School proud!

Youth Speaks 

Three teams from Ash Manor School took part in the annual debating competition hosted by The Rotary Club, Farnham. This is the second time Ash Manor has been represented at the Youth Speaks Public Speaking Competition.  This year, we competed against three other local schools.

 The intermediate group, consisting of Ewan, Finley and Kritikka chose the topic: Should Social Media should be more heavily regulated? All three speakers worked very hard with the Rotary volunteers over a number of weeks, preparing their speeches and perfecting their presenting skills.

 We entered two senior teams, Oviya, Aasha and Eleanor argued, AI is progressing too fast and should be regulated; and Alfie and Callum debated, Should the Government regulate Ultra-Processed Foods to protect the nation’s health? Both teams did incredibly well and spoke eloquently and professionally. Alfie and Callum should be particularly commended as their third team member was not able to be present for the competition and yet they still managed to deliver their full debate.

 The competition was attended by Rotary Club members and the public and was hosted by the University of the Creative Arts. It was a tense evening and the students were put under much scrutiny by the questioner - Iain Lynch. Standards were extremely high and all the motions proposed were thought-provoking and engaging. The students worked tirelessly to impress the adjudicators.

 Ash Manor is immensely proud of all those that took part. They showed fantastic debating skills and they represented the school in an exemplary manner.  We look forward to participating again next year.

 Thank you to Ms Anthoney and Ms Stewart-Jackson for training and accompanying the students.


Previous Blogs:

Personal Development Day - 15.1.25
Curious Incident of the dog in the night time
- 10.12.24 
Remembrance Week
Cadets out in the Field
PE Blog - Autumn 2024
L&T Blog 22.10.24
Year 9 Geographers Explore the Tropical Rainforest 19.10.24
Cadet RSM Neame and WO2 Chalmers Honoured 17.10.24
PD Day
Brooklands 11.10.24
Silver Duke of Edinburgh 7.10.24
Community and Excellence on show at Open Evening 30.9.24
Geography Year 11 GCSE Residential Field Trip 23.9.24